Which is the companion to this...

Or even on this... which is a prize for this giveaway... for small quilts with simple quilting I use my long straight pins to baste... works great...

Second prize for this giveaway...

October is the month for my second blog anniversary. I hinted and mentioned several times this month that a giveaway was iminent/happening. So here's how it worked. I only wanted people who regularly visit to be entered - hence no big fanfare. Anyone who commented on any post in October was entered. Only one entry per person (not per comment). In total, 19 different people commented on my blog in October. I went old school and printed out the names...

Winner of the small quilt is Laura of 3 Doodles and a Dog.
Happy blogiversary!!!! and congrats to the winners!!!!
Congrats to the winners!!! Shari that little quilt is too darling - and what a great tip to use the straight pins for a small quilt. I'm going to do that, quicker than safety pins! LOVE your teapot, girl!
Congratulations Laura and Em. I can't believe I went a whole month without boring you with my comments Shari. Oh well, they're the breaks.
Congratulations Laura and Em...you lucky girls....great prizes!
Hope to see you soon Shari...it's warming up!
What a fun giveaway and Congrats to the winners!
YEAH!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
well done on blogging for two years. and for giving away two very nice prizes. congrats to Laura and Em!
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