But all waiting eventually comes to an end. Here is the cutest wall hanging. I simply adore it. When I am done with this post I am going to go and touch it again and look at all the lovely little details.

A little closer look for you...

A little pair of Stork scissors - I have never had a pair and have always wanted one - thank you so much Brigitte!

Delicious marzipan covered in bitter dark chocolate - so yummy! I can attest that they travelled just fine... and oh the joy of finding another layer underneath! Six very special chocolate hearts... which I will really enjoy with a cup of tea while looking at...

this amazing German patchwork magazine! What a great thing to send! And I am not going to let a little language difference slow me down one bit!

Just look at what is in here. I've just put the kettle on... won't be long now! A little break between family chaos...

Thank you again, Brigitte, for these very lovely gifts. I so appreciate the time and thought you have put in to this Christmas swap.

Once again we are off to Albany for a little break. I'll be out of the blogging world until the middle of January.
I sincerely hope your Christmases were bright and the New Year celebrations grand...
Looks like you got some lovely gifts, I love those marzipan hearts and have a couple of those tins for my pins the come in very handy after you finished the sweets.
Merry Christmas
Beautiful gifts Shari..
have a wonderful time away...travel safely...see you in the new year.
Hugs Julia ♥
Love your gifts - happy holidays, stay safe!
Hugs - Lurline♥
what a wonderful bundle of goodies from Brigitte.......enjoy trying to work out the magazine........thanks for being part of the SSCS this year............have a wonderful time away..........
Lovely presents for you from Brigitte!
Have fun at Albany.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones n 2010!
Look forward to see you back in January (O:
what lovely gifts! hope you had a wonderful christmas!
What fun gifts......
Good stuff girl!!!!
beautiful gifts Shari....Enjoy your break....Have a great new year ....
That snowman wall hanging is wonderful. You really must have been a good girl.
That does look like a great swap. The quilt is adorable, and the other goodies look wonderful as well.
glad you like what I made and bought (with love) for you. Travel safe, Shari
greetings from Brigitte
What a darling present!!! The landscape in the snowman is so pretty (O:
Oh my. Such incredible lovelies!
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