I've seen a few 'first quilts' on blogs lately so decided to show you this. This is my second finished quilt (the first was a Barbie quilt and it is in the possession of one of my daughters).
I traced a tumbler out of a quilt book which I then traced onto fabric. I added the seam allowance with a clear quilter's quarter and cut them out with scissors. I then hand-stitched them together in rows. I used scraps from my grandmother's box and made two of each fabric. I laid them out in opposites so where they met in the middle row were two of the same (the tee-pee fabric). I then added some old curtain off-cuts (not from my curtains but picked up from a neighbour). I padded it with an old mattress protector but did not pad the borders.

(Yes, I still have that hideous rug...)

I tied it at the corners with a cross-stitch of embroidery thread - very tedious!!

I made if for the bench seat in my Tarago (a.k.a. Previa) and I did not pad the edges so it could be tucked into the seat easier.
This was about 1996 or 1997. It's lasted pretty well, but I have just noticed a couple of spots that will need a patch.
The nine-patch below is published just for
Jane to show her I am working on my Halloween blocks for the swap. I'm not going to show my other block just yet - it will be a surprise!

The winter weather has been sunny and warm during the day, but really cold at night. The warmish days are forecast for all week, with an occasional shower. Hope you are enjoying the weather where you are...