So what can one do while recovering from surgery when books and tv are not really interesting? I re-discovered some items that were sent to me after my mother's death in 2000. At the time I thought they were old fashioned and not that interesting. Now I am a lot older and a little wiser I am looking at them with fresh eyes.
This first group date from around 1987 to 1992. It appears from the address labels that both my grandmother and my mother subscribed.

How's this for all you apron lovers? Is the ruffle big enough for you? On the other page there are quilt blocks made with strips of ribbon instead of fabric (made by Jean Wells).

And Pepper Cory's designs are as fresh today as they were then. Perfect for stash busting!
How's this for all you Halloween lovers?

And don't forget the height of fashion! Actually I wouldn't mind a wearable quilt. Will have to think about that one.

Classic Amish designs.
This was a few pages in a plastic bag.

Then there were these...
And these...

And this looks interesting.
And this little project is very timely...
I'm not sure which book these are meant to go with. Will have to look through my library and find my mother's books.
All of the above I can date to around 1982 to 1992. There is no date on the book below, but once again full of classic designs.
This one looks interesting.
As does this one.

How wonderful to get fresh inspiration (and perspective) from these lovely old treasures.
I'm off to have a cup of Mocha coffee (don't you just love Nestle sachets?) and a good look through. Hopefully after a little rest I can actually play with some fabric for a little while.
Merry Christmas!!