Today we have to take out a lovely bottlebrush tree. It's in the way of the curved driveway we want to put out the front of our house. It is so sad to see it go but my husband assures me we will plant another in a better location. We have a bulk refuse collection on Monday so it is a good time to have someone else cart it away instead of numerous trips with the trailer ourselves. It's in bloom at the moment so hopefully the bees won't be too angry, but it's been raining so it may not be a problem.
Also today my husband will be picking up an elliptical trainer (cross trainer?) so no more excuses for not getting fit! I'm extremely sun sensitive so I have to ration outdoor activities so I will be able to pop a dvd on and puff away. I'll keep you informed of any progress.
My oldest daughter Jessica is moving back home in a couple of weeks. My stash has kind of exploded all over the house into every spare corner so I have to finish re-stashing it somewhere else so she can have the bedroom back. It's been like finding old friends. Some of the fabric I have had for nearly 30 years, which is scary. I know I should just get rid of it - if I haven't used it by now, will I ever? But the addiction is strong and I still have hope that one day, one day....
And sadly, there is still housework to be done *sigh*.
After all that I'm hoping to still have the energy to work on one of my unfinished quilts, of which I have many. Here is one I started at a workshop at the Parkerville Baptist Church's charity craft day. It is a "Disappearing Nine Patch". My youngest daughter Hannah really liked it so I am going to enlarge it with pieced borders.
My husband has the chainsaw ready so off I go with my layers of clothing and sunscreen and hat!
Wow, what a surprise! Welcome to Blogland, Shari ... hope you enjoy it ... make time to go into another world!
Big Hugs ... Lurline!
Hi Shari!
I sent my magazines to you yesterday. They said 6 - 10 days, but you now how the postal service is! It's fun to see you online!
Hi Shari...welcome to blogland, so nice to see you here, and it will be so much easier to keep up with what your doing..
Hugs Julia
Welcome and hope you have as much fundas we do blogging.
Welcome to blogland :)
looking forward to seeing more of your quilts....30 years of fabric oh my! think it is time to part with some of it????
give it away to charity or start making lots of baby quilts to donate to your local hospital!!!
good luck!
Welcome to the blogging world!! I'm a fairly new blogger too, and I'm loving it, meeting people from all over the world!! I found you at Lurline's Place, but I'll be a frequent visitor.
Welcome to blogging, I found you through Lurline. We lost our bottlebrush in the front yard a couple years ago. They are beautiful trees.
Welcome to blogville Shari! 8-)
What a beautiful and unusual tree! We have nothing like that here... Too bad it has to go!
Love your use of fabrics in your Disappearing 9-Patch. Very effective!
I look forward to see more of your creations!
Happy stitchings!
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