Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Fabric Collage 2
here it is from the back - pretty cool
(backing fabric will cover this)
then carefully transferred it for fusing
you probably guessed by now that this is
"Girl on a Tree Swing" by Aneela Hoey
all finished
overall a quick project and lots of fun
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Fabric Collage
and placed them on to the sticky side of paper-backed fusible web
I had the fusible web resting on a square ruler for easy transfer to the ironing board
this is what it looks like from the back
I carefully removed the paper backing then fused it to a white fabric foundation
I then pinned it to my wadding, in this case, pellon
here you can see how I'm stitching it down
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Christmas In July
For all of you working on Christmas items - good luck on a great head start!

For the rest of us... what's going on over there?
For more inspiration, Google Images Christmas Quilts.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
When you're home sick...
And I discovered this little chore to do in the laundry.
One of my favourite and oh-so-necessary-in-this-weather turtlenecks.
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back view.
My number 2 daughter made this as a school project way back when. She is now 22.
Recent family photo just before we went to see "The John Denver Story" with Rick Price.
Left to right Daughter #2, Daughter #1, Daughter #3 (crouching), Mumsyblossom and Mr Fixit.
Lots of painting and fixing plumbing and fighting winter colds going on at the moment. No sewing - alas!