Do you have bobbins like this?
I think of them as scraps of thread.
I use these like I do scraps of fabric. Most of my sewing is scrappy and I don't worry too much about thread colour. I use bright thread scraps for my bright fabrics and dark thread scraps for my dark fabrics.

But it's not practical to use them as the bobbin - they run out too quickly. Instead I pop them on the thread holder on the top of my machine. I get to use them right to the end. Thread scraps are also good for little hand-sewing repairs, which thankfully I don't have a lot of.

As news of our devastating bush fires fades from your headlines in the US, it is still very much a reality here. Aside from the terrible human cost in terms of lives and property, there is a huge cost to the bush animals and the environment. The region destroyed is a major water catchment for the Melbourne area, and already tough water restrictions are bound to get worse. There are just so many implications long term that the mind cannot get around it.
The amazing generosity of the Australian public, both private sector and public sector, has been enormous with over $40 million donated to date and more coming. Coles supermarkets (one of two major chains here) are donating 100% of all profits from tomorrow (Friday 13 Feb) to the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal, so all you good Aussies do your shopping tomorrow at Coles.
A really big thank you to all those who are doing something to raise money or who are working to make quilts.
Nice little tip,Shari. for me, I rarely use coloured threads in my bobbins, so it's eithr lights or darks!
Hugs - Lurline♥
oooh. i'm so wasteful. sometimes i just unwind them. great tip.
Great tip on the bobbins! Shari, you are all in my thoughts and prayers every day. That is wonderful of the supermarket to donate all their profits. It is unfortunate that situations this devastating have to happen. I wish safety to you all.
What a great idea for the thread pieces...
sometimes something horrible like the fires in Australia bring out the best in people. Glad to hear of all the good that is being done.
Yes! I do this too. In fact, if I am gathering something, I save the basting thread and reuse that too. Thread is getting very expensive.
We are still hearing about the fires here in the US.. there are reports on every day. I'm glad to hear so many are willing to help.
Thanks for the tip Shari. I usually unwind those bits of thread and toss 'em - now I can use them.
A fire was set intentionally about 20 minutes from my cousins house in Australia. She says it's devestating. We're all thinking about our bloggy friends over there.
Great tip Shari! Great way to be 'green' and use up what you have!
Congratulations, you are one of my OWOH giveaway winners.
If you would like to email me with your address I will send your prize along!
Great idea for your thread. Thanks for letting me know of my mistake earlier this week. I do appreciate it.
Great idea! I do have a whole heap of these 'scraps of thread' laying in my tool box and now Im going to start using them! :)
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